Dear Parent / Carer,
As you are aware, the government are moving towards a wider reopening of schools over the next few weeks. The proposed timetable for Faith Primary Academy is outlined below.
From 1st June – Key worker and vulnerable children
From 22nd June – Year 6 (in addition to key worker and vulnerable children)
From 29th June – Nursery, Reception and Year 1 (in addition to key worker and vulnerable children and Year 6)
At present, there are no plans from central government to introduce places for Years 2, 3, 4 and 5. However, if this changes, school will endeavour to inform you as soon as possible.
Over the next few days, Mrs Taxiltaridis will contact each parent / carer of children in Nursery, Reception and Year 1 to ascertain if you would like to request a place. However, there are a limited number of places available for each of these year groups. Faith has a maximum capacity of 10 children per class in accordance with Public Health and Local Authority guidance. Because all school buildings are unique, the maximum capacity will range from site to site so don’t be alarmed if other schools have a different maximum number – each school will have their own risk assessments in place.
Please be assured that rigorous risk assessments are carried out and reviewed regularly in order to make the school as safe as possible for the children and the staff.
Staff will continue to make weekly phone calls to those children who are not attending school and continue to set work on the school website and Class Dojo. Paper packs are also available to collect from the school office for those who wish to access them. These will be replenished weekly. If you haven’t already done so, you can request a paper pack from your class teacher.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact school on