Mrs Martin is our Curriculum Lead.

At Faith Primary Academy we are dedicated to providing our children with a broad, balanced and meaningful curriculum which aims to inspire and engage. Our curriculum, which is based on the EYFS and National Curriculum, is designed to enable our children to reach their full potential and prepare them for future success.

We teach the 2014 National Curriculum using a subject based approach.  Wherever possible we strive to teach using the environment and our outdoor areas, this is to ensure children have the opportunity to learn first hand, experience nature and develop social and problem solving skills in the process.  In addition, we believe that educational visits and experiences are central to the children’s learning. All children will receive the opportunity of at least one trip or in school experience each half term which may include inspirational speakers, visitors, themed days and workshops. We use a wide variety of teaching strategies that take into account the ways in which children learn in order to foster engagement, motivation and creativity. Follow us on X to see what the children are getting up to @FaithPrimary

If you would like further information regarding the curriculum our school is following, please contact Mrs Martin via or 0151 233 5092.

Outdoor Learning