Miss Fox is our Curriculum Lead.

At Faith Primary Academy we are dedicated to providing our children with a broad, balanced and meaningful curriculum which aims to inspire and engage. Our curriculum, which is based on the EYFS and National Curriculum, is designed to enable our children to reach their full potential and prepare them for future success.

At Faith Primary Academy our intent is to offer a curriculum that is broad and balanced which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all our children, whatever their starting points, to enable them to progress through each key stage.

The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the EYFS and National Curriculum 2014, other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of our pupils. Our curriculum is designed to  enable all children to reach their full potential and prepare them for future success.

Each unit:

  • Lasts for approximately a half term
  • Includes a curriculum overview to be sent to parents detailing key learning and key vocabulary
  • Includes a visit/visitor whenever possible
  • Develops collaboration and independent skills
  • Insists on basic skills as a non-negotiable
  • Results in high-quality outcomes which will be shared with an audience

If you would like further information regarding the curriculum our school is following, please contact Miss Fox via or 0151 233 5092.

Follow us on Instragram @faithprimaryacademy

Yearly Overview