Our Vision-Spiritual Life of school

Our mission statement is “Loving and Learning in the Light of the Lord”. Here at Faith, we aim to promote and live out our core Christian values: Love, Generosity, Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Friendship and Respect. We reflect on these values in Collective Worship, during RE lessons and by immersing ourselves in Bible stories during whole school events. Our Christian values are at the heart of our school, enabling everyone here to understand themselves, to learn to reflect on experiences and to know how to treat others. We aspire to enable the whole school community to live by these values in order to live like Jesus.

Religious Education

As we are a joint Church of England and Catholic school, we teach Religious Education through an amended version of the ‘Come and See’ curriculum. The Come and See programme gives children the chance to explore, learn about, learn from and reflect upon what it is to be human and live as God wants us to. Religious Education is a core subject and is central to the life of our school. Central to the programme are three basic questions and the three Christian beliefs:

  • Where do I come from? Life-Creation
  • Who am I? Dignity-Incarnation
  • Why am I here? Purpose-Redemption
Each topic follows the same process:

Search-Explore (Week 1)
This week, the children’s life experiences are explored. They are encouraged to share, wonder about and reflect upon the significance of these experiences.

Revelation-Reveal (Week 2 and 3)
This section of the topic develops the children’s understanding of Christian faith. This is done through engaging with scripture, learning about tradition and prayer and looking at how this shapes Christian living.

Response-Respond (Week 4)
The final week of the topic is when the children’s learning is remembered, celebrated and responded to in daily life.

Come and See Overview
Come and See Themes

Collective Worship

“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or troubled, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”   Joshua 19

Here at Faith Primary Academy, the Gospel Values are at the heart of everything we do. Below are just some of the ways we celebrate being part of God’s family.

Children spend time every day taking part in Collective Worship. Children and staff are encouraged to participate fully with the importance put on creating a prayerful and reflective atmosphere to make this time special.

During daily worship, teachers may use a range of stimulus such as: song, music, candles, flowers, scripture, formal and informal prayers, poetry, books, posters, mime and silence. There is a balance between formal and informal prayer intentions and a time to allow for spontaneous worship and celebrations. Attitudes of praise, thanksgiving and contrition are developed.

This is a time for sharing joy, sorrow, news and events. It is a time for us to come together to celebrate and give thanks; to worship God, to reflect on personal belief, to encourage faith and to respond to and celebrate life. Silence is valued for both collective and personal communion with God.

As each class teacher knows their children personally, this experience is most meaningful; children and staff get a sense of belonging and fellowship. Children will also have the opportunity to lead these acts of worship. Children of other faiths are included in and encouraged to pray alongside us.

This form of Collective Worship is always adapted to the age and development stage of the pupils. Staff are most sensitive to the needs and concerns of the children in their care.

2021-2022 Collective Worship Christian Values
Collective Worship Themes 2021-2022
Faith Spiritual Life Termly Newsletter
Autumn 2021
Spring 2022

Collective Worship

Helping Hands

Church Information