Reception starter information 2024
Miss Huyton (Reception Teacher)
Mrs Jones (LSA)
Miss Collins (LSA)
Our school safeguarding officers are Miss Williams, Miss Fox, Miss Taxilitaridis, Mrs Martin, Miss Woodward, Miss Thomas and Mr Gibson.
The fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs are implicitly embedded in the 2024 Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
All pupils in this school are entitled to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum regardless of ability, gender, race and social circumstances. All children including those with Special Educational Needs are considered and the curriculum adapted to suit all levels of ability. We have a full Equality and Diversity and Equal Opportunities policy available at school.
Care is taken to assess the needs of each child from Nursery age onwards. If children need additional support or there are any concerns about their development parents will be involved from an early stage. We have links with various agencies and when necessary their involvement may be required to support children. Parents/Carers will always be informed if an outside agency is assisting us to support their child.
We value the involvement of parents in school. Parental involvement with school begins even before children start Nursery or Reception with an invitation to visit the school and meet their child’s teacher. Parents consultation meetings are held in the Autumn and Spring Term at which parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress. A report is sent out at the end of the Summer term and parents are invited into school to discuss this report if they wish. It is important to stress that if parents are concerned in any way about their child they should telephone or call into the school to make an appointment to discuss their concerns with the class teacher, EYFS Lead or the Head teacher. Parents are kept informed of all happenings in the school by regular newsletters. The parents are informed via notices on the windows, Seesaw and by regular newsletters. Parents are invited to various assemblies and functions throughout the year.
At the beginning of the year, parents/carers are asked to give permission for their child to be photographed/videoed during their time at school. We use these images in the classroom, on displays, in the children’s individual record books, on the school website, X and other publications.
Early Years staff have had pediatric first aid training. Children are taught the safe and appropriate use of equipment and materials. Children are taught to be mindful when moving around the school and are aware of safety issues. Risk assessments are undertaken before after school activities take place and before we embark on school outings. A full Health and Safety Policy is available in School.
We keep a note of any medical needs, allergies, children who need inhalers, piriton, epi-pens in the nursery kitchen and in the Reception class area so everyone is aware of the individual needs. All Early Years staff are trained in pediatric first aid.
Parents/carers are asked to inform us of any foods their children are allergic to or any foods they do not wish their child to eat. A note of this is kept in the kitchen area and all adults involved are informed.
We see snack time as a social event, a time where the children enjoy a drink of milk, piece of fruit and/or a light snack together. This time of day is the ideal opportunity to develop and enhance the children’s social skills and to encourage interaction and conversation with their peers as they sit together. It also develops independence as the children are encouraged to serve themselves. We do not charge for snack.