The Regulation Retrievers
Two sensible children in Year 6 are responsible for gathering ‘check-ins’ from children in KS1 and KS2 in the morning. This is to ensure children are in the green zone and ready to learn.
The Regulation Responders
Following the collection of ‘check-ins’ from the Regulation Retrievers, the Regulation Responders will support the children who are not in the green zone at break time and lunch time. They will provide these children with some ideas on how to self-regulate.

The Zones of Regulation in Year 6
We have introduced the Zones of Regulation to Year 6. If you hear your child talk about what zone they are in, or “being in the blue/green/yellow/red zone” they are talking about how they are learning to self-regulate their emotions and behaviours. Below is a brief explanation of what the Zones of Regulation are about. If you find your child taking deep breaths, getting a drink of water or counting to 10, they might be using one of the tools to help regulate their brain and body.
We all encounter trying circumstances that test our limits from time to time. If we are able to recognise when we are becoming less regulated, we are able to do something about it to feel better and get ourselves to a better place. This is the goal of The Zones of Regulation.

The Green Zone is used to describe a calm state of alertness. A person may be described as happy, focused, content or ready to learn when in the Green Zone. This is the zone where optimal learning occurs.

The Blue Zone is used to describe low states of alertness and down feelings, like feeling sad, tired, sick or bored.

The Red Zone is used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness and intense emotions. A person may be elated or experiencing anger, explosive behaviour or fear when in the Red Zone. Our students are learning that it is really hard to self-regulate when in this state. They may need someone else to tell them what to do when in the Red Zone.

The Yellow Zone is also used to describe a heightened state of alertness and elevated emotions. However, we have more control when we are in the Yellow Zone. A person may be experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, the wiggles or nervousness when in the Yellow Zone.

This is our class toolbox, which is located at the back of our classroom. The children ‘check-in’ every morning to let members of staff know which zone they are in…