On this page you will find information on:
Please see our ‘curriculum overview’ to understand which topic we are learning at what point of the academic year and what our topic is about.

In Geography in the second half of Autumn 1 we are learning about ‘Our Local Area’. Coming soon!

In Science we are looking at our bodies and how they grow and change. We explored body parts and our 5 senses.
We have been on a sensory walk, explored the question ‘do children with bigger feet need bigger gloves?’ by measuring our feet and also went on a trip to an ‘outdoor museum’ in our own class garden, spotting our baby photos and observing how our friends have changed and grown.

We will be starting our History topic in Autumn 2. In History we will be looking at old toys, in particular Victorian toys. We will research these together and compare them to our toys today. (Coming soon!)

In Art, we are looking at the formal elements- line, shape and colour. Coming soon!

In DT we will be learning about sliders and levers in Spring 1.